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Solid Waste Recycling Boosts The “Global Carbon Emission Reduction”

Views: 14     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-09-21      Origin: Site

According to statistics, in 2016, the generation and disposal of global solid waste brought greenhouse gas emissions being the equivalent of about 1.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide, accounting for 3% to 5% of the total global greenhouse gas emissions. Data show that landfill and incineration disposal of solid waste are the main sources of carbon emissions. Solid wastes are complex in composition and contain different proportions of active constituent that during its transportation, treatment, and disposal, a large amount of greenhouse gases are generated, where methane and carbon dioxide are typical and main representative sources of carbon emissions. 

waste to energy

At the same time, after the municipal solid waste —mainly paper and woven fabrics — is incinerated, the carbon element in it will be released into the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide. According to evaluation by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), methane contributes to the greenhouse effect 28 times more than carbon dioxide, and Americans are responsible for 10.6% of the damage caused by global warming, 3.8% of which comes from landfill gas. In addition, according to the estimates of the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), if measures such as source reduction and resource utilization of solid waste are taken into consideration for carbon reduction, global carbon emissions shall be reduced by up to 20%.

At present, the carbon emission accounting of solid waste mainly adopts the emission factor method, and a comprehensive set of carbon emission accounting model focused on the components characteristics and disposal methods of solid waste has not been fully established yet, as well as a whole monitoring system for the carbon emission situation at the solid waste disposal sites. 

Research should be carried out on the material conversion mechanism and carbon footprint in solid waste incineration and end landfill disposal, and a set of carbon monitoring network and visualization platform should be built based on the three-dimensional “Integration of Sky and Earth” technology , so as to establish a national big data platform for the monitoring of the carbon emission situation at solid waste disposal sites, which can find out where the carbon emission sources of solid waste are and how much the overall emission is, and provide basis and support for the planning of the path to achieve carbon peaks and carbon neutrality goals in the field of solid waste and the innovation of emission reduction technologies.

If the existing solid waste disposal management model is improved, realizing resource utilization of bulk solid waste, creating a large number of solid waste landfills in a standardized manner—including the waterproof and air-sealing of the covering system, leachate pollution barrier control, and prevention of unstable solid waste pile sloping, then that would play an important role in promoting the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction and the achievement of the "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" goal.  Reduction, recycling and non-hazardous disposal should be implemented depending on different characteristics of industrial solid waste, domestic waste, construction waste and hazardous waste.


Pyrolysis technology can convert waste to energy. Niutech Environment Technology Corporation realizes the non-hazardous treatment and recycling of organic waste under the premise of "carbon reduction" through the industrial continuous pyrolysis technology, where the treatment of such materials as plastics waste, scrap tires, oily sludge, hazardous waste, solid waste, and oil shale among others, has brought a dual benefit of environmental protection and economic profits, Niutech has been applying this technology to carry out worldwide cooperation, successfully putting it into application and production in countries including China, Germany, the United States, Britain, Denmark, Brazil, Hungary, Turkey, Estonia, Iraq, India, Thailand among other countries and regions, which has played an important role in global "carbon reduction".


The “Integration of Sky and Earth” technology refers to the new-generation information technology relying on and integrating Beidou navigation technology, high-resolution satellite remote sensing technology, Internet of Things, cloud computing and other technologies.

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